Year 7 Transition
During your child's final year of primary school, your primary school will ask families to complete an Application for Enrolment Form for a secondary school placement. This is usually in April of Grade 6. This process involves you nominating the secondary school you would like your child to attend and submitting the application via your child's primary school. When you nominate Bairnsdale Secondary College as your child's first preference, your primary school will forward this information to us.
In August, we will post home our Enrolment Pack for you to complete and return to the College as soon as possible, with the supporting legal documentation.
If your child has specific, high level needs, a transition meeting may be held with you, the Grade 6 teacher, our Transition Coordinator and the Year 7 Coordinator, to discuss ways of supporting your child through the transition process. We always want the process to be as smooth as possible for all families and this is one way of ensuring this.
In August, we will post home our Enrolment Pack for you to complete and return to the College as soon as possible, with the supporting legal documentation.
If your child has specific, high level needs, a transition meeting may be held with you, the Grade 6 teacher, our Transition Coordinator and the Year 7 Coordinator, to discuss ways of supporting your child through the transition process. We always want the process to be as smooth as possible for all families and this is one way of ensuring this.